Tuesday 8 February 2011

PBR Wi-Fi Battles #18, #19 & #20

Hi guys, I should have really posted these up before, but here they are now: my latest PBR random Wi-Fi battles.

#18 & #19 - Same Guy Twice!

#20 - GEEEEEEE GEEEEEEEE!! (Live Commentary)

Donkey Kong Country Returns - First Impressions

I first ordered Donkey Kong Country Returns at the end of December, but thanks to Royal Fail, I've only just got it last week. So, I've played through the first few levels, so I thought I'd give some first impressions on the game.

After all the waiting around I did for it, I have to make my initial statement of: "It's awesome!". It was definitely worth waiting for, and it'll tide me over the next couple of weeks before the next big game I am after: Marvel vs Capcom 3; arrives.

Oh, and just to warn you now, this does contain some minor spoilers that may ruin the epicness of the game's opening sequence. So you have been warned.