Friday 17 June 2011

My First Team Fortress 2 Replay Clip

So, after being away from TF2 for ages, I go on for a bit to experiment with the replay function, which allows you to save a replay of your previous life; and edit it into a short video clip. Essentially its a shorter version of the demo file feature, without the hassle of processing all of the frames afterwards. Anyway, here's what I came up with.

Let's Play Metroid Prime Part 03 - Beetle Infestation

Part 03 of my LP:

Let's Play Metroid Prime Part 02 - First Steps On Tallon IV

Here's the second part of my Metroid Prime LP.

So, What's Going On

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been making an effort to put some game time in before I knuckle down hard with some programming. That's the reason I haven't updated much.

I've been crunching through my Date campaign on Total War Shogun 2 and trying to make an attempt at finishing Final Fantasy XIII, and then what happens? Ocarina of Time 3D comes along!

All will be resumed soon though, stay tuned.