Friday 16 September 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - Review

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

System: Nintendo 3DS
Developer: Nintendo/Grezzo
Publisher: Nintendo
Year: 2011

In 1998, Ocarina of Time was released to a critical reception, gaining it a hotly disputed title of greatest game of all time. Here on the 3DS in The Legend of Zelda's 25th Anniversary year, Nintendo promised to deliver an upgraded version without the niggles that were present in the original. Have they succeeded?

Firstly, it would be silly to have 3D in the title and not have great 3D effects. As soon as you get into the game it is at first quite astounding how good the 3D compliments the shiny upgraded graphics. Orbs of light fly at you and swirl around you as you explore the Kokiri Woods and sparkles fly off Navi as she whips around Link's head. It's a good example of how subtle 3D effects just alter your perception a tiny bit, making it much sharper and deepening your immersion in this beautiful fantasy world. However, it is by no means a fault of the game but a fault in 3D in general, that as you play the game more the 3D effects are pushed into the background and you don't notice them as much. But still, as long as you are aware of them, it really heightens key moments when needed, such as pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal in The Temple of Time.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

ONM Forum's Top 100 Non-Nintendo Games

In a recent mass free poll, the members of the ONM forums were asked to name their top ten non Nintendo titles (of which were not exclusive to a Nintendo platform) to create ONM's top 100 non Nintendo titles.

Each vote gave the game a number of points going from 25 for the first choice down to 1 for the last choice. Points were added up for each game and the list was determined. Re-releases and remakes were not counted as separate games.

The following long list contains some interesting titles. It's separated into brackets where games obtained the same amount of points. Click read more to view.